Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Back to writing...

Here's a new confession... this lovely blog has been part of a school assignment, which explains the long delay between first and second semester postings. As I understand it, the most effective blogs (read, with the widest and most enthusiastic audience) focus on a narrow range of interest and post regularly. I'm going to try to post more regularly... not, God forbid, to get a wider audience... but in order to become a little more adept at blogs and to see if I can learn to love it.

In the long hiatus between semesters, I read a terrific book about a blogging experience: The Julie/Julia Project. It describes one woman's experience working her way through all 500-odd recipes of Julia Childs' Mastering the Art of French Cooking over a one-year period, blogging her successes and failures.

Another interesting blogging tidbit you might enjoy: review of an anthology of blogs.

I'll be updating our bedside reading stacks soon, and in the next posting or two I'll let everyone know about my courses this semester.

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