Friday, March 7, 2008

Neil Gaiman

I had read Neil Gaiman's American Gods not too long ago and enjoyed his modern-adaptation of myth, which is soon to be made available on-line. I've just learned about the wide variety of genres he's engaged in and am doubly impressed now by his versatility. In addition to novels, he's written children's literature, graphic novels, and screenplays... I may see about adding some of his other works to my stack of books. Not sure when I'll get around to reading them, but I like to store up treasure. Gaiman's website includes a number of essays about writing and literature, and I was particularly interested in his idea that all books are gendered. Some interesting comments in this essay related to the craft of writing.

1 comment:

Heavenly Windows said...

Ah,yes, "to store up treasure", by selecting books to be read, even when time is not presently available. I loved seeing the photograph of The Tattered Cover in Denver, a real bookstore. So much of my purchasing is through Amazon, but, I always loved shopping for books there. They were always helpful with searches. I know a Canadian couple, professionals, who still thank me for introducing them to this book store.